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Vote Today! Should Recreational Boaters have a Right to Float in Colorado?

Posted: 02/23/2010
By: Nathan Fey

House Bill 1188 is sitting in the Colorado Senate waiting to be assigned to a Senate committee, we expect that to happen next week.
While we are in little bit of a holding pattern in the processes of the State Senate - our battle continues in the field.

A couple of Colorado media outlets came out opposed to HB 1188! But we can fight back and let our opinions be heard too.

VOTE NOW in the ONLINE POLL - it takes 1 minute!
Colorado Springs Gazette:
OUR VIEW: Rafting is not a basic human right | Opinion - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

Question: Should recreational boaters have a right to float through all private property without permission?
Answer: Yes, all waterways should be open for recreational use by the public.

Submit a quick letter to the editor responding to their editorial and correcting their mistakes and expressing your support: Submit a Letter : Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

*If you're feeling extra spicy today ... take a moment and send our friends at the Pueblo Chieftain newspaper a quick note and let them know you're disappointed in them for changing their stance on HB 1188 and question if they're either for the tourism business and river recreation or not.

Positive Pueblo Chieftain Editorial 2/4/10: The Pueblo Chieftain Online :: Sensible

Negative Pueblo Chieftain Editorial 2/22/10: The Pueblo Chieftain Online :: Defective

Submit a quick letter to the Editor " let them know your disappointed in their change of opinion" The Pueblo Chieftain :: > Forms > Letter

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Colorado River Access (CO)

The decades old debate over public use of waterways in Colorado continues, and AW is working to protect the rights of all paddlers to enjoy Colorado's Rivers.