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Conservation Vision for Wild Rogue Introduced (OR)

Posted: 01/12/2012
By: Thomas O'Keefe

We are pleased to report that members of the Oregon congressional delegation including Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley along with Representatives Peter DeFazio, Earl Blumenauer, and Kurt Schrader have introduced legislation (S.2001/H.R.3436) to permanently protect portions of the Rogue River and its surrounding forests. The "Rogue Wilderness Area Expansion Act of 2011" will preserve an economic engine in southwest Oregon that supports local jobs, clean water, wildlife habitat, fishing opportunities, and one of the most spectacular multi-day whitewater trips in the Western United States.

While the Rogue is one of our nation's original Wild and Scenic Rivers, the protected corridor is only a narrow strip immediately adjacent to the river. This legislation would designate approximately 60,000 acres of Wilderness and add 93 miles of tributary streams to the Wild and Scenic Rogue River. The result would represent the realization of a water-based conservation vision for the Rogue River.
For over three years the Oregon congressional delegation has worked with local business owners, conservationists, timber organizations, fisherman, whitewater boaters, and community members to craft a common sense proposal for protection of the Rogue River canyon. An alliance of businesses who see the protection of the Rogue as an investment in the local economy have been working with river conservation organizations to advance legislation. There are over 100 local and regional businesses and organizations endorsing the campaign including American Whitewater.
Check out the film Run, Rogue Run on Vimeo.
If you are from Oregon please take the time to thank your members of Congress for their leadership on this issue.

Thomas O'Keefe

3537 NE 87th St.

Seattle, WA 98115

Phone: 425-417-9012
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Restoring the Rogue (OR)

One of the great Rivers of the West, preserving the the Wild Rogue and restoring upstream reaches impacted by dams are priorities for American Whitewater.

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