AW Joins Effort to Protect Punch Bowl Falls (OR)

Posted: 07/10/2012
By: Megan Hooker

The Hood River is the go-to river for whitewater lovers in Oregon and Washington's Columbia Gorge, and the area around Punch Bowl Falls is an important access point.  Located in a stunning canyon near the confluence of the East and West Forks of the Hood River, Punch Bowl Falls also provides a sanctuary for salmon and access for swimming, and the area has great potential for camping.

Above the Falls, the West Fork of the Hood provides an opportunity for boaters to test and strengthen their Class IV skills, with consistently fun rapids at a variety of flows, and two beautiful basalt gorges.  Below the Falls, the West Fork joins the East Fork to form the Hood River, where boaters can now enjoy Class III water on a newly free-flowing river. 

This summer, AW has joined the campaign to raise funds to protect Punch Bowl Falls and we are reaching out to the paddling community to step up in support of this project.  Western Rivers Conservancy purchased 102 acres surrounding the falls - including 2 miles of river - and efforts are underway to transfer the land into the hands of the public.  Long-term protection will come when Hood River County becomes the permanent steward of Punch Bowl Falls - and we need your help to make that happen! 

Whether you boat on the Hood or enjoy Punch Bowl Falls other ways, please consider making a donation to American Whitewater so that we can protect this iconic place for current and future generations.  Visit American Whitewater's Punch Bowl Falls page to learn more about how you can make your donation today! 

Associated Rivers

Hood, West Fork OR

Associated Projects

Hood River Access

American Whitewater is committed to securing public access for the Hood River and its major tributaries.