Gunnison and Crested Butte, CO paddlers meetings - May 21 and 23

Posted: 05/16/2013
By: Chris Menges


American Whitewater (AW), the nation’s leading advocate for the conservation of whitewater rivers, will be hosting public meetings for river boaters in Gunnison on May 21 and in Crested Butte on May 23. 

These ‘regional paddlers dialogues’ are a part of AW’s efforts to define and protect recreational flow needs throughout the seven-state Colorado River Basin, which includes many stream segments throughout the Gunnison Basin like Oh-Be-Joyful, the Taylor River, the Gunnison Whitewater Park and the Gunnison Gorge. At the meeting, AW’s new Gunnison Program staff member will explain how paddlers can participate in defining acceptable flow ranges, and gather feedback on other river-related opportunities and issues.

"AW does great local, regional and national work. This is a chance for paddlers to have their voices become part of longer term management and policy efforts related to safeguarding in-stream flows and our recreation-dependent economies" said Molly Mugglestone, a Gunnison resident, former WSCU professor and co-director for the Protect the Flows Campaign. 

Both meetings will begin at 6pm. Gunnison’s meeting will be held at the Fairgrounds & Multi-Purpose Building (275 S. Spruce) and the Crested Butte meeting will be held at CB Town Hall. Questions can be directed to AW’s Gunnison Basin staff member Chris Menges at


Meeting Logistics

  • Gunnison Meeting date: Tuesday, May 21, 2013
  • Crested Butte Meeting date: Thursday, May 23, 2013
  • Meeting time (both): 6pm
  • Meeting Address Gunnison: Gunnison Fairgrounds Multipurpose Building (275 S. Spruce - map)
  • Meeting Address Crested Butte: Town Hall (507 maroon Ave - map). 
  • Meeting objective: American Whitewater's Chris Menges will provide a presentation on the organization's new Gunnison Basin Program, discuss how local paddlers can us help safeguard boatable flows and invite boaters to provide insight on river-related issues and opportunities.

Associated Rivers

Oh Be Joyful Creek CO
Taylor River CO

Associated Projects

Colorado River Basin Supply Study

American Whitewater's staff and contractors are working to develop quantitative metrics that help the US Bureau of Reclamation evaluate impacts to recreational stream-flows across the Colorado basin.

Gunnison Basin (Colorado) Stewardship Program

Our new Gunnison River Basin program will define and protect recreational flow needs as part of regional and broader Upper Colorado River Basin stewardship strategies. By quantifying flow needs in the

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