2014 Bear River Releases Announced (ID)

Posted: 01/15/2014
By: Kevin Colburn

We are pleased to announce the 2014 scheduled pulse flows on the Bear River's Black Canyon located in southeastern Idaho.  Releases will vary from 900 to 1500 cfs based on inflows to the hydropower project, and will occur on the following days: 

  • April 5 & 6
  • April 12 & 13
  • April 25, 26, & 27
  • May 10 &11

These releases serve both ecological and recreational purposes, and offer paddlers a high quality Class IV and V paddling opportunity early in the regional paddling season.  Releases continue to be monitored for their ecological effects, and American Whitewater continues to participate in ongoing management of the Bear River, including significant stream and fisheries restoration projects.  As always, we are deeply appreciative of the incredible volunteer efforts of Charlie Vincent on this project.  

These releases are the direct result of American Whitewater's work on the relicensing of the Bear River hydroelectric project, and are supported by a diverse group of stakeholders engaged in the project's ongoing management. 

Associated Projects

Bear River Restoration (ID)

Hydropower relicensing on the Bear River offered an opportunity to restore aquatic resources and recreational opportunities on this river.