Support The New Clean Water Rule Today!

Posted: 05/27/2015
By: Kevin Colburn

Today, the U.S. EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers released the new Clean Water Rule. The rule reaffirms the Clean Water Act's protection of water quality on our nation’s rivers, headwater streams and wetlands. The new rule is vital for protecting river recreation, stream habitat, drinking water, riparian property and significant economic activity from the impacts of unregulated pollution.

American Whitewater supports the rule, and we expect it to maintain the water quality that you are accustomed to experiencing on your favorite rivers. The rule brings about long-awaited clarifications for protecting headwater streams and wetlands under the Clean Water Act, and the process of developing it was solid. The U.S. EPA and Army Corps did an extensive amount of legal and scientific review in developing the rule, and undertook an unprecedented amount of public outreach.

This is a great day for rivers and all of us who paddle!

It is important for your political leaders to know that clean water is important to you and why.  They may not understand how much water you gulp when you crash into a wave, how joyous your child's first canoe trip was, or how you have changed your life to live and work near clean flowing rivers.  Please consider sharing your story about why clean rivers matter to you.   We've made it easy, Take Action today.    

You can also use social media to thank the @EPA for protecting the safety of our river water.  #CleanWaterRules 

Stay tuned to American Whitewater for updates, and you can learn more here. Thanks for taking action today!


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Clean Water Act

American Whitewater's advocacy to protect water quality.