Document - Sultan River Trail Comments, 26OCT2012
American Whitewater is pleased to learn that planning is well underway for the project to formalize recreational access to the Sultan River below Culmback Dam as outlined in our Settlement Agreement and the recently issued license for the Henry M. Jackson Hydroelectric Project, FERC P-2157 (Jackson Project). We fully support the Proposed Action as consistent with the comprehensive Settlement Agreement between American Whitewater, Public Utilities District No 1 of Snohomish County, USDA Forest Service, and other parties.Description
Comment Letter Regarding Sultan River TrailDocument Information
Filename - Sultan River Trail Comments, 26OCT20121078.pdf
Size - 160.08KB
Associated Projects
Sultan River (WA)
American Whitewater improved flows and public access for the benefit of fish, wildlife, and paddlers as part of hydropower relicensing on this river.