Document - Columbia River System Operations Comments 2017
American Whitewater provides these scoping comments in response to the Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on Columbia River System Operations. Among the alternatives considered, we request that you include an analysis and evaluation of removal of four dams on the lower Snake River (Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental, Ice Harbor). Removing the four lower Snake River dams will open opportunities for a 140-mile, multi-day river trip and will enhance on-river recreation opportunities in key tributaries. We specifically request that you include an analysis of the recreational benefits of a restored Snake River and associated economic impacts as part of the analysis of socio-economic effects.Description
Scoping comments of American Whitewater on the Columbia River System Operations EIS.Document Information
Filename - Columbia River System Operations Comments 20171569.pdf
Size - 201.58KB
Associated News
Associated Rivers
Associated Projects
Snake River Restoration (ID, OR, WA)
American Whitewater is working with a coalition of partners to restore the Snake and Salmon Rivers in Idaho for fish and paddlers.