Document - The Oroville Dam 2017 Spillway Incident: Lessons from the Feather River Basin


Oroville Dam gained worldwide attention in February 2017 when crumbling spillways at the nation’s tallest dam triggered one of the largest evacuations in California history. The near catastrophe remains a socioeconomic blow to downstream communities. While some repair work is moving forward at Oroville, significant issues remain to be addressed. This incident is a wake-up call for action on several fronts at this facility and thousands of other high-hazard dams in the United States to ensure a safe and reliable water system that protects communities and the rivers that flow through them. A warming climate with changing precipitation patterns underscores the urgency. The Oroville Dam 2017 Spillway Incident: Lessons from the Feather River Basin calls for action on 18 recommendations, and dozens of sub-recommendations, to address California’s aging dam infrastructure, operate dams more safely and efficiently, advance multi-benefit flood management projects, and increase transparency and public engagement.


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Filename - The Oroville Dam 2017 Spillway Incident: Lessons from the Feather River Basin1625.pdf

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Feather River (CA)

AW's work to restore the Feather River