Document - Klamath River Dam Removal Comments of American Whitewater and Upper Klamath Outfitters Association


American Whitewater and Upper Klamath Outfitters Association have previously written to express our support for the Joint Application for License Transfer and License Amendment and the Application for Surrender of License for Major Project and Removal of Project Works filed by PacifiCorp and the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC) with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on September 23, 2016. We support removal of JC Boyle, Copco 1, Copco 2 and Iron Gate Dams from the Klamath River, and we encourage the KRRC to use this opportunity to mitigate for lost whitewater recreational opportunities that will occur with project removal by enhancing new recreational benefits that will arise once the river is freely flowing.


Written comments on dam removal November 5th, 2018. Includes appendices.

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Filename - Klamath River Dam Removal Comments of American Whitewater and Upper Klamath Outfitters Association1919.pdf

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Klamath Restoration (OR & CA)

American Whitewater supports restoration of the Klamath River for the benefit of salmon while providing appropriate opportunities for whitewater recreation.