Document - Smith River National Recreation Area Expansion Act Testimony
On behalf of the whitewater paddling community, American Whitewater writes to express our appreciation for holding a hearing on S. 2875, Smith River National Recreation Area Expansion Act. This legislation would afford new protective designations for whitewater rivers that are of value to our membership and protect the recreational paddling experience.Description
Testimony of American Whitewater as submitted to Energy and Natural Resources Committee.Document Information
Filename - Smith River National Recreation Area Expansion Act Testimony2468.pdf
Size - 82.23KB
Associated Rivers
Baldface Creek
Smith, N. Fork
Low Divide Road to Gasquet III-IV
Associated Projects
Kalmiopsis Rivers (OR/CA)
American Whitewater is working to protect the wild rivers of Southwestern Oregon and Northern California from the threats of nickel strip mines.
Smith River (CA/OR)
The Smith River is known for exceptional water quality and is free flowing from the headwaters to the ocean.