Document - Rogue Wild and Scenic River Management Plan
The following is the a proposed combined plan for the development, operation and management of the Rogue National Wild and Scenic River administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Forest Service (FS) in accordance with Public Law 90-542. The plan includes River Boundaries and Ownership, River Classification and Description, Coordination with Other Agencies, Background Information (Physiography, Cultural Factors, River Uses), Management Objectives, Management Direction, Soil and Watershed, Fish and Wildlife, Minerals, Protection, Recreation, Acquisition, Timber, Improvements, Transportation, Utilities, Visitor Information, Grazing, Bordering Lands, and Appendix (Recreation Development table, Land Ownership table, Maps, Legal Description, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act).Description
Plan for the development, operation and management of the Rogue National Wild and Scenic River.Document Information
Filename - Rogue Wild and Scenic River Management Plan687.pdf
Size - 1.49MB
Associated Projects
Restoring the Rogue (OR)
One of the great Rivers of the West, preserving the the Wild Rogue and restoring upstream reaches impacted by dams are priorities for American Whitewater.
Associated Rivers