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TAKE ACTION! Restore the Snake River (WA)

01/27/2017 - by Megan Hooker

We have a once in a generation opportunity to restore one of the greatest river systems of the world–the Columbia and the Snake­–by removing four outdated and expensive dams on the lower Snake River. Federal agencies are accepting public comment on the future of the Columbia and Snake River dams through February 7th, 2017, and your voices are important to this process! Unlocking the lower Snake River is not only the single most effective thing that we can do to restore wild salmon runs, but it will also restore whitewater opportunities on the mainstem Snake and enhance them in key upper tributaries.

Join the Free The Snake Flotilla (WA)–October 3rd

09/21/2015 - by Megan Hooker

Come out for the Free the Snake Flotilla in eastern Washington on Saturday, October 3rd! The rally is in support of removing the four lower Snake River dams. These four dams stand between salmon and their home waters, and are costing taxpayers millions of dollars to maintain while their benefits are in steep decline. Read on for more info on how you can join with fellow kayakers, salmon advocates, tribal members, anglers, outfitters, orca lovers, and business owners for a rally to free the Snake River!