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California Rivers Through Native Eyes

02/10/2022 - by Theresa Lorejo- Simsiman

Reciprocity is the touchstone of the stewardship work we do here at American Whitewater.  We never paddle solo when we enter a process to negotiate new hydropower licenses, defend river access, or speak out against detrimental dam proposals. We actively seek collaboration with individuals and groups mutually sharing our time, expertise, and resources for the protection of the watersheds we hold dear. Often these key partners include Native Communities who bring to the table the traditional knowledge of the lands and waters they have stewarded for time immemorial. To date however, there is scant Native information to be found in our National Whitewater Inventory of over 5,500 rivers. In the spirit of reciprocity, American Whitewater is offering our river database as a platform to share the Indigenous narratives of the rivers we enjoy. In California, we have partnered with the Redbud Resource Group to research, interview and chronicle stories of Native Communities. Redbud is a Native led 501c3 non-profit focused on improving education and public health outcomes for Native communities. For our first California River Through Native Eyes, we start with the North Fork Feather River from the Rock Creek Reach down through the Poe, homeland of the Konkow Valley Tribe of Maidu. You can read their story online and in our most recent Winter 2022 American Whitewater Journal. 

Photo of Doctor Charlie Gramps Provided by Matthew (Gramps) Williford Sr.


Take Action: Call for a Hearing on Oroville Dam (CA)

04/27/2017 - by Megan Hooker

Earlier this year, two spillways at Oroville Dam on the Feather River in California became severely compromised, prompting the evacuation of approximately 188,000 people. The impact of the failure of these spillways continues to have a significant impact on the river and downstream communities. Those who live downstream of Oroville Dam–along with citizens across the country who live in the shadow of high-hazard hydropower dams–deserve to understand what happened, the full impacts, and what is being done about it. American Whitewater is joining with others to call for a Congressional hearing into these issues and ensure that the public has a voice in the process. Learn more about how you can help our efforts…

CA State Water Board Orders More Water For Butte Creek

08/18/2016 - by Dave Steindorf

The California State Water Resources Control Board has ordered the decommissioning of the Centerville Powerhouse on Butte Creek to protect spring run salmon. This is part of a relicensing agreement that American Whitewater has been working on since 2003. As a result, Butte Creek, located in Northern California will be receiving more water.

New Gauges On The Kern River

12/01/2015 - by Dave Steindorf

After 3 years of discussion and negotiation with Southern California Edison and the US Forest Service the Kern River has several new online flow gauges on the Upper Kern River.  These gauges will replace the cumbersome and antiquated flow phone that was part of the Kern River #3 license.

Improved Flows on the Yuba - One Step Closer (CA)

12/29/2014 - by Dave Steindorf

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has issued the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Yuba/Bear and Drum Spaulding projects in Northern California.  Our review of this 1000 page documents says that it spells good things for boaters.


AW Calls for Public Hearing - River Access & Bridges in CA

07/09/2012 - by Megan Hooker

Under utilized provisions of the California Streets and Highway Code require that an Access Feasibility Study be conducted when a new bridge is built, and American Whitewater wants to make sure they are completed. Today, American Whitewater requested a public hearing regarding the Access Feasibility Study that was done for the SR 99 Bridge over the Feather River conducted by Caltrans. This is a good opportunity for California residents to get involved and improve river access - not just on the Feather, but on any new bridge project in your area!

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DWR Releases Oroville Whitewater Park Feasibility Study (CA)

02/02/2010 - by Dave Steindorf

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has released the whitewater park feasibility study on the Feather River in Oroville California. Download the report and attend the meeting on February 4th in Oroville.



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