The following rivers require permits. Click on the link to read the instructions download the appropriate application.

StateRiver and SectionLinkDescription
AK Alsek Haines Junction to Dry Bay Permit

Send in application to get on waitlist for preferred dates.

AK Tatshenshini 2. Dalton Post to Alsek (Dry Bay) Permit

Send in application to get on waitlist for preferred dates.

AZ Colorado 19. Lee's Ferry to Lake Mead Permit

Permits for the Grand Canyon are required and available through a weighted lottery system in February (additional dates may be distributed throughout the year).

AZ Salt 02. US 60 to Hwy 288 above Roosevelt Reservoir Permit

Lottery for river permits Mar 1 through May 15. Applications due Jan 31.

CA Tuolumne 4. Lumsden Campground (Merals Pool) to Wards Ferry Bridge Permit

Permit applications are accepted after January 1 for the following season: May 1 through October 15. While permits for day trips or weekday overnight trips are generally available in-person, advance reservation for weekend overnight trips is recommended.

CO Colorado 14. Loma launch to Westwater launch (Ruby - Horsethief) Permit

Overnight camping is available in any of the 34 designated campsites and requires a permit. No permit is required for day use of the river.

CO Dolores 07. Gateway to Colorado River (UT) Permit

Required permit can be obtained by calling the Moab BLM field office for a reservation.

CO Yampa 05. Deerlodge Park to Echo Park Permit

Permits required year around. Lottery for high-use season second weeked in May to second weekend in July with applications due Jan 31.

ID Bruneau Indian Hot Springs to 8 miles South of Bruneau Permit

Self issue permit can be downloaded from BLM website, and are available at self registration stations at the put in and take out.

ID Jarbidge Jarbidge Forks to Bruneau River (Indian Hot Springs) Permit

Self issue permit can be downloaded from BLM website.

ID Salmon 6 - Corn Creek to Carey Creek Permit

Permits are required year-round for individuals wishing to float the Wild section of the Salmon River, which extends from Corn Creek to Long Tom Bar. The lottery control season extends from June 20 through September 7. Application due January 31. No more than eight float boat parties are allowed to launch each day. Outside the lottery season, the number of launches is unlimited, but a trip permit is required before launching. A maximum of 30 people is allowed per group.

ID Salmon, Middle Fork 2 - Boundary Creek (Dagger Falls) to Salmon River (Cache Bar) Permit

A float permit is required year-round to be on the waters of the Middle Fork of the Salmon River between Dagger Falls and the river's confluence with the Main Salmon. The lottery control season extends from May 28 - September 3. Applications are due January 31. Seven launches are allowed per day. During the lottery control season, an average of four launches per day are allocated for outfitter-guide trips with three for the public. Outside of the control season, the seven launches are available to all on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations open on October 1 for the following year.

ID Selway 1 - Paradise to Selway Falls Permit

The limited permit season runs annually from May 15 to July 31. Lottery applications due January 31. Only one party of up to 16 people is allowed to launch each day during that time. Permits are not required outside the control season on the Selway River. Group size is limited to 20 people outside the permit season.

ID Snake I) Hells Canyon Dam to Pittsburg Landing Permit

Wild River Reservations – from Hells Canyon Dam to Upper Pittsburg Landing – are required for the issuance of a trip permit, seven days a week during the primary season (Friday preceding Memorial Day weekend through September 30th). There are three private permit launches each day. These reservations can be obtained either through the 4 rivers Lottery (application due January 31) or by picking up a cancellation once the lottery reservations have been allocated. Both processes can only be done through the website or by calling Reserve America at 877-444-6777. Cancellations need to be made no later than 15 days prior to launch. Self-Issue River Permits are required for the entire river corridor during the secondary season, but do not require an advance reservation. They can be self-issued at any river portal.

MT Smith Camp Baker to Eden Bridge Permit

Permits issued through a lottery managed by Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. Peak season is May 15th to July 15th.

NM Rio Chama 04. El Vado Lake to Abiquiu Reservoir Permit

Permits required. Weekend launch dates May 1 through Labor Day distributed by lottery with application due before January 31.

OR Deschutes K. US 26 (Warm Springs) to Sherars Falls Permit

Boater pass available through online reservation system. Some dates have limited launches available.

OR Deschutes L. Sherar's Falls to Columbia River Permit

Boater pass available through online reservation system. Some dates have limited launches available.

OR Illinois 2 - Miami Bar to Oak Flat Permit

Self-issued permits required and available prior to launch from Selma Market.

OR John Day 2. Service Creek to Clarno Permit

Online permit required from year-round.

OR John Day 3. Clarno to Cottonwood Permit

Online permit is required year round from

OR Owyhee 2. Crutcher's Crossing to Three Forks Permit

Self issue permit can be downloaded from BLM website.

OR Owyhee 3. Three Forks to Rome Permit

Self issue permit can be downloaded from BLM website.

OR Owyhee 4. Rome to Birch Creek or Leslie Gulch Permit

Self issue permit can be downloaded from BLM website.

OR Rogue 5. Grave Creek (Galice) to Foster Bar (Agness) (35 miles) Permit

Lottery for permits issued during regulated use season of May 15 through October 15.

OR Snake I) Hells Canyon Dam to Pittsburg Landing Permit

Wild River Reservations – from Hells Canyon Dam to Upper Pittsburg Landing – are required for the issuance of a trip permit, seven days a week during the primary season (Friday preceding Memorial Day weekend through September 30th). There are three private permit launches each day. These reservations can be obtained either through the 4 rivers Lottery (application due January 31) or by picking up a cancellation once the lottery reservations have been allocated. Both processes can only be done through the website or by calling Reserve America at 877-444-6777. Cancellations need to be made no later than 15 days prior to launch. Self-Issue River Permits are required for the entire river corridor during the secondary season, but do not require an advance reservation. They can be self-issued at any river portal.

UT Colorado 15. Westwater to Rose Ranch (Westwater Canyon) Permit

Permit required year-round. Permits are released on (click here for link) at 8 am MT two calendar months in advance; popular weekend days are booked within seconds.

UT Colorado 18. Colorado/Green Confluence to Hite Marina (Cataract Canyon) Permit

Permits are available on a reservation basis no more than four months, and no less than two days, prior to the permit start date.

UT Dolores 07. Gateway to Colorado River (UT) Permit

Required permit can be obtained by calling the Moab BLM field office for a reservation.

UT Green 02. Lodore to Echo Park Permit

Permits required year around. Lottery for high-use season second weeked in May to second weekend in September with applications due Jan 31.

UT Green 04. Ouray to Green River Town (Desolation & Gray) Permit

Permits required year around with a high use (6 groups/day) season (mid May to mid August) and low use (2 groups/day) season (the rest of the year).

UT Green 05. Green River Town to Colorado Confluence (Labyrinth and Stillwater) Permit

Permits are required year-round for all overnight river trips. A permit allows for the launch of one group, maximum of 40 people, for the date issued, up to 14 consecutive nights. Reservations for river permits become available 4 months in advance of the start of each season at 8:00AM Mountain Time. Advanced permit reservations close two days prior to a launch date.

UT San Juan 01. Sand Island to Mexican Hat Permit

A permit is required year-round to float any section of the San Juan River between Montezuma Creek and Clay Hills. Permits are issued only through a pre-season lottery (for high use season of April 15 - Jul 15) and advance telephone reservations (for low and moderate use season to individuals 18 and older.

UT San Juan 02. Mexican Hat to Clay Hills Crossing Permit

A permit is required year-round to float any section of the San Juan River between Montezuma Creek and Clay Hills. Permits are issued only through a pre-season lottery (for high use season of April 15 - Jul 15) and advance telephone reservations (for low and moderate use season to individuals 18 and older.

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