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Big Hungry Dam Removal

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September 2011: The NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Commission (NC DENR WRC) plans to remove both dams on Big Hungry and has put out a request for proposals to do the work.

This is GREAT news for Big Hungry and for fans of free-flowing rivers everywhere. Untold tons of sediment will be removed from behind the dams, including the log-jam behind the lower dam, and everybody's a winner…..the aquatic ecosytem, the fishermen, hikers, and paddlers alike. Sediment issues in the Green River watershed are discussed a bit further on this AW page. The two dams are not in use and haven't generated power in decades. There are a few photos of the lower dam on the AW Big Hungry page. Here is a one minute video from atop the upper dam.

AW and the paddling community will be weighing in to support funding and implementation of this exciting project.

The contacts below include staff and volunteers working on this project. Make sure you are logged in if you wish to join the group.

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Big Hungry Creek NC